Stars in the Sky

If there were more stars in the sky,
I’d plant your banner.
Claiming them with your name,
Burning all the while.
If there were more stars in the sky
I’d travel into the night.
I’d use this to find your path
And follow in your footsteps.
If there more stars in the sky,
Maybe your tears would glimmer,
And I’d notice them
Before all was lost.
If there were more stars in the sky,
Perhaps they’d align differently,
And fate wouldn’t have brought us
To this unfortunate end.

Published by: cynicalwordsmith

I am, by no means, a professional writer. I have no dreams of becoming such. I just enjoy writing in my very sparse free time, both poetry and short stories. If you enjoy any of my works in particular, feel free to tell me. I always enjoy the feedback.

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